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App Version: 0.38.0
Demo site for Free PDF tool
View, annotate, add text or images
Merge, Rotate, Rearrange, Split, and Remove pages
Run multiple actions on PDFs by defining pipeline scripts
Easily merge multiple PDFs into one.
Split PDFs into multiple documents
Easily rotate your PDFs.
Crop a PDF to reduce its size (maintains text!)
Remove/Rearrange pages in any order
Delete unwanted pages from your PDF document.
Merge multiple pages of a PDF document into a single page
Change the size/scale of a page and/or its contents.
Extracts select pages from PDF
Merges all PDF pages into one large single page
Convert a image (PNG, JPEG, GIF) to PDF.
Convert a PDF to a image. (PNG, JPEG, GIF)
Convert PDF to Text or RTF format
Extracts Tables from a PDF converting it to CSV
Encrypt your PDF document with a password.
Remove password protection from your PDF document.
Change the permissions of your PDF document
Adds signature to PDF by drawing, text or image
Signs a PDF with a Certificate/Key (PEM/P12)
Verify digital signatures and certificates in PDF documents
Remove certificate signature from PDF
Remove scripts and other elements from PDF files
Auto Redacts(Blacks out) text in a PDF based on input text
Redacts a PDF based on selected text, drawn shapes and/or selected page(s)
Add text or add image stamps at set locations
Add a custom watermark to your PDF document.
Add Page numbers throughout a document in a set location
Adds a image onto a set location on the PDF
Change/Remove/Add metadata from a PDF document
Extracts all images from a PDF and saves them to zip
Remove all interactive elements and forms from a PDF
Detects and removes blank pages from a document
Removes all comments/annotations from a PDF
Compares and shows the differences between 2 PDF Documents
Grabs any and all information possible on PDFs
Remove image from PDF to reduce file size
Replace color for text and background in PDF and invert full color of pdf to reduce file size
Adjust Contrast, Saturation and Brightness of a PDF
Auto renames a PDF file based on its detected header
Auto Split Scanned PDF with physical scanned page splitter QR Code
Searches and displays any JS injected into a PDF
Split a single PDF into multiple documents based on size, page count, or document count
Overlays PDFs on-top of another PDF
Split a PDF into multiple files based on its chapter structure.